Take advantage of our free financial education resources.
MembersAlliance is proud to offer a variety of financial resources and tools you can use. Take advantage of our customizable budgeting spreadsheet and financial calculators, peruse our blog, and information on scams and fraud, and use our free online financial education tool called Banzai.
Banzai contains interactive courses that simulate real-world decisions you may face with your personal finances. It also has great coaches that walk you through your own financial questions — like budgeting or what loan you can afford.
This tool is perfect for all ages! From money basics for your little ones, cyber safety for teens, or diving deeper into personal finance questions adults face, there is a tool for everyone.
Our Commitment
Over the past 5 years MembersAlliance Credit Union has sponsored the Banzai program in area high schools. In that time, we have been able to share this financial literacy program with over 3,100 students at 16 different area schools. Nationally, over 20,000 schools already use Banzai to teach real-world finance in the classroom.
Now, MembersAlliance is bringing not only its two popular courses, Banzai Jr. and Banzai Teen, but also Banzai Direct to your home at no cost! Banzai Direct is adult focused going more in depth into money management, retirement, home buying, debt consolidation, and more, all while providing a vast resource library with tools and calculators to help with money management. We partner with Banzai because of our shared belief in the importance of financial education and increasing financial literacy in both youth and adults.
How it Works
Banzai is designed to simulate what real-world finance is like. It is an interactive simulation that is all about trial-and-error. Users make choices and experience the consequences of their decisions in a fun and risk-free environment.
Unfortunately, for so many of us, we have had to learn these hard lessons through real-world choices and deal with the consequences. With Banzai, we will be better informed and more importantly, better prepared to make good financial choices.
Banzai uses real-life examples to help teach concepts like budgeting, making money, expenses and even complex topics like insurance and credit. Banzai creates conversations and instills healthy attitudes toward finances at home. As individuals at every stage of their financial journey use the program, they'll learn tested money management techniques — and receive tools to answer their questions and shape their perspective.
Banzai plus: Get a wide range of personal finance experiences with the Banzai plus course. This interactive game simulates different personal finance decisions you may face in the real world. Ready to get some awesome personal finance prep?
Get out of debt coach: Learn how to find financial freedom and peace of mind with this interactive coach. Trying to be debt-free? This coach offers tools made to fit you and provides an action plan to reach your goal of being debt free.
What auto loan can I afford?: Dreaming about buying a new car, but not too sure what is in your budget? Try our online tool that will walk you through what auto loan fits you.
Try What Auto Loan Can I Afford?
What mortgage can I afford? Getting ready for the jump to purchase a home of your own? Try our online coach that finds your ideal monthly payment and what size mortgage is right for you.
Try What Mortgage Can I Afford?
How do I build credit? Starting to build your credit or would like to repair your current credit? MembersAlliance offers an online coach through Banzai! that will walk through what credit is and it’s impact on your financial health as well as providing an action plan on how to build your credit score.
Ready to begin or want to learn more?
Learn & Earn is an educational incentive program geared to equip our members with personal finance lessons.
This program offers a wide variety of courses that offer fun and interactive learning. Along with the learning is reward earning. From loan discounts to amazon e-gift cards, there is something for everyone.
Check out our current rewards and courses below.
The building blocks of credit management (Earn 0.25% off of a personal loan rate)
Applying for a personal loan or wanting to improve your credit? This collection of tools offers a great opportunity to get on track to credit and loan success. Debt can be tricky, but with the right knowledge and tools you can be a pro.
How do I get my reward?
- Must have an account at MembersAlliance
- Apply for a personal loan
- Complete all course material in this section
Once the course is completed, a certificate will be emailed to you within 7 business days. This certificate can be shown to your MembersAlliance loan officer during the application process and applied once the loan is approved. The interest rate discount will be valid for 90 days past completion of the courses.
Cyber safety course ($5 Amazon e-gift card)
The world wide web can be a hazardous place when it comes to personal information. Protecting your banking and personal information is vital. Learn how to avoid scams and use digital tools with this fun course.
How do I get my reward?
- Must have an account at MembersAlliance
- Complete all course material in this section
- Must be 18 years or older
Once completed, a MembersAlliance employee will verify membership and send the e-gift card to your email account within 7 business days.
Become a personal finance master ($25 Amazon e-gift card)
Who knew there would be so much to learn about personal finance? Get practice budgeting and run into real life financial choices from loans to insurance. Want to be better prepared to face all those personal finance decisions? Give this course a try!
How do I get my reward?
- Must be 18-29 to be eligible
- Must have an account at MembersAlliance
- Complete the Banzai course
Once completed, a MembersAlliance employee will send an email with the e-gift card reward within 7 business days.
The ins and outs of auto loans (0.25% off auto loan rate)
There is more than meets the eye when it comes to buying a car. Learn about what goes into a car loan and get the breakdown of what auto insurance really is. There is even a coach to determine what auto loan fits your budget!
How do I get my reward?
- Must be a member at MembersAlliance
- Apply for an auto loan at MembersAlliance
- Complete all material in this section
- Have no auto loan credit history
Once the course is completed, a certificate will be emailed to you within 7 business days. This certificate can be shown to your MembersAlliance loan officer during the application process and applied once the loan is approved. The interest rate discount will be valid for 90 days past completion of the courses.
College finance survival guide ($5 Amazon e-gift card)
Feel overwhelmed by navigating financial aid and the cost of living on your own for the first time? We are here to help! These courses, articles, and calculators will help you get a handle on how to apply for FAFSA, find the hidden expenses of college, and make a budget so that you can tackle college finances with confidence.
Not only do you get some awesome prep for college, but you also receive a $5 amazon e-gift card!
How do I get my reward?
- Must be 18-21 to be eligible
- Must have an account at MembersAlliance
- Complete all material in this section
Once completed, a MembersAlliance employee will verify membership and send the e-gift card to your email account within 7 business days.
Home buying 101 ($200 off mortgage closing costs)
Thinking of buying a house, but have a million questions about mortgages? Look no further! This course will help you look at what mortgage options fit you and your budget, plus it helps you learn about the mortgage application process.
How do I get my reward?
- Must have an account at MembersAlliance
- Must be a first-time homebuyer
- Submit mortgage application at MembersAlliance
- Complete all material in this section
Once the course is completed, a certificate will be emailed to you within 7 business days. This certificate can be shown to your MembersAlliance mortgage officer during the application process and applied once the mortgage is approved. The closing cost discount will be valid for 180 days past the completion of these courses.
Rewards disclaimer: Members must be in good standing, and are eligible to receive each available incentive one time per member only. Members must meet each tutorial’s requirements to receive the corresponding incentive. Incentive eligibility and payout is subject to review and approval by MembersAlliance Credit Union. Loan discounts and closing costs available on approved loans. Loans subject to credit approval. Some restrictions may apply. MembersAlliance employees are not eligible. Individual incentives may be rejected if MembersAlliance determines the individual does not qualify for redemption or attempts to subvert the intended nature of the program for personal gain.
Nuestra misión es potenciar la prosperidad en nuestra comunidad. Ofrecer acceso a la educación financiera es una gran parte de cómo MembersAlliance vive esa misión. Ahora, nuestra herramienta de educación financiera en línea está disponible en varios idiomas.
Vaya a nuestro centro de recursos y haga clic en el ícono del mundo para acceder a diferentes idiomas.
Our mission is to empower prosperity in our community. Offering access to financial education is a big part of how MembersAlliance lives out that mission. Now, our online financial education tool is available in multiple languages. Go to our resource center and click the world icon to access different languages.
This calculator compares the costs of buying or leasing a vehicle. There are three sections to complete, and you can adjust and experiment with different scenarios.
- Net cost of buying $0
- Net cost of leasing $0
A fixed-rate, fixed-term CD can earn higher returns than a standard savings account. Use this calculator to get an estimate of your earnings. Move the sliders or type in numbers to get started.
- Total value at maturity $0
- Total interest earned $0
- Annual Percentage Yield (APY)0.000%
Whether it's a down payment, college, a dream vacation...a savings plan can help you reach your goal. Use the sliders to experiment based on length of time and amount per month.
- Monthly deposit needed to reach goal $0
This calculator can help you get a general idea of monthly payments to expect for a simple loan. Move the sliders or type in numbers to get started.
- Estimated monthly payment $0
- Total paid $0
- Total interest paid $0
Autos, Trucks and Motorcycles
New Auto, Trucks, Vans, Motorcycles (New 2025; New untitled 2024)
Term | APR (as low as) | Pmt/$1,000 |
up to 36 Months | 4.00% | $29.52 |
37-78 Months | 5.00% | $29.22 - $15.04 |
79-84 Months | 7.00% | $15.83 - $15.09 |
85-96 Months / $40,000 Min. | 8.25% | $15.57 - $14.26 |
Used Auto, Trucks, Vans, Motorcycles (2024-2021)
Term | APR (as low as) | Pmt/$1,000 |
up to 36 Months | 5.50% | $30.20 |
37-78 Months | 5.50% | $29.45 - $15.28 |
79-84 Months | 7.00% | $15.83 - $15.09 |
Used Auto, Trucks, Vans, Motorcycles (2020-2018)
Term | APR (as low as) | Pmt/$1,000 |
up to 36 Months | 5.50% | $30.20 |
37-78 Months | 6.00% | $29.67 - $15.51 |
79-84 Months | 7.25% | $15.96 - $15.22 |
Used Auto, Trucks, Vans, Motorcycles (2017 and older)
Term | APR (as low as) | Pmt/$1,000 |
up to 24 Months | 7.50% | $45.00 |
25-36 Months | 7.50% | $43.33 - $31.11 |
37-48 Months | 7.75% | $30.47 - $24.30 |
49-60 Months / $20,000 Min. | 8.50% | $24.23 - $20.52 |
Rates disclosed are As Low As Rates, which are based on the A+ credit discount (credit score >740) and Multiple Service discount (active checking account with direct deposit).
Loan rates may vary based on credit evaluation. Monthly Payment Installment samples shown are based on every $1,000 borrowed and the minimum term and maximum term within each term range.
Computer and Other Durable Goods
Term | APR (as low as) | Pmt/$1,000 |
24 Months | 7.00% | $44.79 |
36 Months | 8.00% | $31.35 |
48 Months | 9.00% | $24.90 |
Rates disclosed are As Low As Rates, which are based on the A+ credit discount (credit score >740) and Multiple Service discount (active checking account with direct deposit).
Loan rates may vary based on credit evaluation. Monthly Payment Installment samples shown are based on every $1,000 borrowed and the minimum term and maximum term within each term range.
FastCash Loan
Loan Type/Term | Rate (as low as) | Pmt/$1,000 |
Up to 12 Months | 9.50% | $87.68 |
13-24 Months | 9.75% | $81.37 - $46.03 |
25-36 Months | 10.00% | $44.48 - $32.27 |
37-48 Months | 10.50% | $31.75 - $25.61 |
49-60 Months | 11.25% | $25.55 - $21.87 |
Signature Line of Credit | 10.90% | 3% of Limit |
Rates disclosed are As Low As Rates, which are based on the A+ credit discount (credit score >740) and Multiple Service discount (active checking account with direct deposit). Not available on Unsecured Line of Credit Loans.
Loan rates may vary based on credit evaluation. Monthly Payment Installment samples shown are based on every $1,000 borrowed and the minimum term and maximum term within each term range.
Home Equity - Fixed Rate - Up to 80% Loan to Value
Term | APR (as low as) | Pmt/$1,000 |
Up to 60 Months | 6.00% | $44.32 - $19.34 |
61-120 Months | 6.75% | $19.42 - $11.49 |
121-180 Months | 7.25% | $11.68 - $9.14 |
Rates disclosed are As Low As Rates, which are based on the A+ credit discount (credit score >740) and Multiple Service discount (active checking account with direct deposit).
Monthly Payment Installment samples shown are based on every $1,000 borrowed. Rates may vary based on credit evaluation. Rates subject to change without notice. Closing costs may vary if out of the Rockford area, an appraisal is required, or a release of mortgage is recorded.
Home Equity Line of Credit - Adjustable Rate - Up to 80% Loan to Value
Rate discounted at 7.375% for the first year. Adjusts to the Wall Street Journal Prime Rate annually, which is currently at 7.500% Maximum APR = 18% Annual Fee = $10.00
Monthly Payment Installment samples shown are based on every $1,000 borrowed. Rates may vary based on credit evaluation. Rates subject to change without notice. Closing costs may vary if out of the Rockford area, an appraisal is required, or a release of mortgage is recorded.
IRA/CD Rates
Type/Term | Minimum Opening Deposit | Rate | APY | Penalty for Early Withdrawal |
Base IRA (Primary, Education, Roth) | $500 | 0.150% | 0.150% | N/A |
3 Month CD* | $500 | 0.995% | 1.000% | 90 Days* |
6 Month CD/IRA CD** | $500 | 1.980% | 2.000% | 90 Days |
12 Month CD/IRA CD | $500 | 2.956% | 3.000% | 180 Days |
18 Month CD/IRA CD | $500 | 2.956% | 3.000% | 180 Days |
24 Month CD/IRA CD | $500 | 2.762% | 2.800% | 180 Days |
30 Month CD/IRA CD | $500 | 2.762% | 2.800% | 180 Days |
36 Month CD/IRA CD | $500 | 2.762% | 2.800% | 180 Days |
48 Month CD/IRA CD | $500 | 1.980% | 2.000% | 365 Days |
60 Month CD/IRA CD | $500 | 1.980% | 2.000% | 365 Days |
Minimum Deposit = $500.00. A penalty will or may be imposed for early withdrawals. *3 month CD not eligible for IRAs.** 6 month CD not eligible for Roth and Education IRAs.
Money Market Accounts
Balance | Rate | APY |
$2,500 - $9,999.99 | 0.946% | 0.950% |
$10,000 - $24,999.99 | 1.094% | 1.100% |
$25,000 - $99,999.99 | 1.341% | 1.350% |
$100,000+ | 1.587% | 1.600% |
Off Road RVs, Snowmobiles and Jet Skis
New Snowmobile, Off-Road RV, Jet Ski (New 2025; New untitled 2024)
Term | APR (as low as) | Pmt/$1,000 |
up to 24 Months | 5.50% | $44.10 |
25-36 Months | 6.00% | $42.65 - $30.42 |
37-48 Months | 6.50% | $29.90 - $23.71 |
49-60 Months | 7.00% | $23.52 - $19.80 |
61-78 Months / $20,000 Min. | 7.50% | $19.77 - $16.24 |
Used Snowmobile, Off-Road RV, Jet Ski (2024-2017)
Term | APR (as low as) | Pmt/$1,000 |
up to 24 Months | 6.00% | $44.32 |
25-36 Months | 6.50% | $42.88 - $30.65 |
37-48 Months | 7.00% | $30.13 - $23.95 |
49-60 Months | 7.50% | $23.76 - $20.04 |
Rates disclosed are As Low As Rates, which are based on the A+ credit discount (credit score >740) and Multiple Service discount (active checking account with direct deposit).
Loan rates may vary based on credit evaluation. Monthly Payment Installment samples shown are based on every $1,000 borrowed and the minimum term and maximum term within each term range.
Personal Loans (Unsecured)
Loan Type/Term | APR (as low as) | Pmt/$1,000 |
Up to 12 Months | 9.50% | $87.68 |
13-24 Months | 9.75% | $81.37 - $46.03 |
25-36 Months | 10.00% | $44.48 - $32.27 |
37-48 Months | 10.50% | $31.75 - $25.61 |
49-60 Months | 11.25% | $25.55 - $21.87 |
Signature Line of Credit | 10.90% | 3% of Limit |
FastCash* | 23.00% | $177.96 |
Rates disclosed are As Low As Rates, which are based on the A+ credit discount (credit score >740) and Multiple Service discount (active checking account with direct deposit). Not available on Unsecured Line of Credit Loans.
Loan rates may vary based on credit evaluation. Monthly Payment Installment samples shown are based on every $1,000 borrowed and the minimum term and maximum term within each term range.
*FastCash Application fee of $20 required, regardless of approval decision. FastCash loan is a fixed rate of 23%APR on loan amounts from $200 to $1,000 with terms not to exceed 6 months. Financing example: The monthly installment repayment for $1,000 financed for 6 months at 23.00% is $177.96. No credit check. MACU membership must be at least 90 days old and have an existing direct deposit with the credit union. Only one FastCash loan per household. Some restrictions may apply.
Primary Mortgage
Conventional Mortgages - 5% Down
Additional 0.50% off mortgage interest rate discount available. See mortgage page for additional details. Offer Details
Term | Points | Rate (as low as) | Pmt/$10,000 | APR |
15 Year Fixed Rate | 0.000 | 5.250% | $80.39 | 5.421% |
15 Year Fixed Rate | 1.000 | 4.875% | $78.43 | 5.196% |
20 Year Fixed Rate | 0.000 | 5.875% | $70.92 | 6.059% |
20 Year Fixed Rate | 1.000 | 5.500% | $68.79 | 5.821% |
30 Year Fixed Rate | 0.000 | 6.125% | $60.76 | 6.474% |
30 Year Fixed Rate | 1.000 | 5.750% | $58.36 | 6.196% |
5/6 Year ARM | 0.000 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
7/6 Year ARM | 0.000 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Construction | 0.000 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
FHA Mortgages - 3.5% Down
Term | Points | Rate (as low as) | Pmt/$10,000 | APR |
15 Year | 0.000 | 6.750% | $90.04 | 7.453% |
20 Year | 0.000 | 7.750% | $83.53 | 8.554% |
25 Year | 0.000 | 7.750% | $76.85 | 8.520% |
30 Year | 0.000 | 8.250% | $76.44 | 9.005% |
5/6 Year ARM | 0.000 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Monthly Payment Installment samples shown under rates are based on every $10,000 borrowed. Mortgage Loan Rates & APR are based on $175,000 loan. Rates are subject to change daily. Please contact the credit union for current rates at 815-226-2260.
Recreational Vehicles (Boats, Motor Homes, 5th Wheels, Travel Trailers, Campers)
New Recreational Vehicles (New 2025; New untitled 2024)
Term | APR (as low as) | Pmt/$1,000 |
25-54 Months | 6.00% | $42.66 - $21.18 |
55-78 Months | 6.75% | $21.20 - $15.88 |
79-90 Months | 7.00% | $15.84 - $14.32 |
91-126 Months / $40,000 Min | 7.50% | $14.45 - $11.50 |
127-180 Months / $40,000 Min | 8.00% | $11.71 - $9.57 |
181-246 Months / $60,000 Min. | 8.50% | $9.83 - $8.61 |
Used Recreational Vehicles (2024-2018)
Term | APR (as low as) | Pmt/$1,000 |
25-54 Months | 6.00% | $42.66 - $21.18 |
55-78 Months | 6.75% | $21.20 - $15.88 |
79-90 Months | 7.25% | $15.96 - $14.45 |
91-126 Months / $40,000 Min |
7.75% | $14.58 - $11.63 |
127-180 Months / $40,000 Min | 8.25% | $11.84 - $9.71 |
Used Recreational Vehicles (2017 and older)
Term | APR (as low as) | Pmt/$1,000 |
25-54 Months | 7.00% | $43.11 - $21.65 |
55-78 Months | 7.25% | $21.43 - $16.12 |
79-90 Months | 7.50% | $16.09 - $14.57 |
91-126 Months / $40,000 Min. | 8.25% | $14.83 - $11.90 |
Rates disclosed are As Low As Rates, which are based on the A+ credit discount (credit score >740) and Multiple Service discount (active checking account with direct deposit).
Loan rates may vary based on credit evaluation. Monthly Payment Installment samples shown are based on every $1,000 borrowed and the minimum term and maximum term within each term range. Additional terms available.
Savings/Checking Rates
Accounts | Rate | APY | Minimum Opening Deposit |
Savings Account/Business Savings Account | 0.150% | 0.150% | $25 |
Youth Accounts | 0.150% | 0.150% | $25 |
Free Basic Checking | 0.00% | 0.00% | No Minimum Deposit Required |
MyCashback Checking | N/A | N/A | No Minimum Deposit Required |
HSA Checking | 0.00% | 0.00% | No Minimum Deposit Required |
Business Checking | 0.00% | 0.00% | No Minimum Deposit Required |
Christmas Club | 0.150% | 0.150% | No Minimum Deposit Required |
Vacation Club | 0.150% | 0.150% | No Minimum Deposit Required |
Share (CD) Secured
Loan Type/Term | Rate |
Savings Secure Loan with CD Account | 2.00% Over CD Rate |
Student Loans
Student Loans | ||
Loan Type | Fixed Rate* (as low as) | Variable Rate** (as low as) |
Undergraduate – Line of Credit | 4.000% | 4.750% |
Loan Consolidation (5 year) | 5.000% | 5.000% |
Loan Consolidation (10 year) | 5.500% | 5.750% |
Loan Consolidation (15 year) | 6.000% | 6.250% |
Floor Rate: 3.00%, Ceiling Rate: 18.00%. *Includes 0.25% discount for auto-pay. ** Adjusts quarterly based on the Prime Rate.
Visa Credit Card
Card Type | APR for Purchases, Cash Advances and Balance Transfers |
Visa Platinum Rewards Card | 8.90% to 17.90% |
APR is based on your creditworthiness at the time of account opening.